
Nintendo announces Gamecube adapter for the Wii Ucomment_here

gamecube adapter
Finally i have some use for my old Gamecube controllers.

Nintendo has announced an Adapter for the Nintendo Gamecube controller for the Wii U. This isn’t necessarily a big surprise, as one would hope that Nintendo would allow all the controllers to be used on the iconic brawler Super Smash Bros. It was unveiled at the end of the Super Smash Bros. invitational trailer and it has already generated a lot of buzz.


gamecube adapter 2
Pretty awesome huh?

Featuring over 30+ characters on its roster thus far, Super Smash Bros. is coming back with a very vibrant bang. Since 1999 Nintendo has continued to surprise us with their announcements of featured titles, and this time is no different. How long Nintendo can make the long dead Nintendo Gamecube carry on is a mystery, as other consoles have never followed suit to date since 2006 with the Playstation 3.

With E3 right around the corner, and everyone’s hopes high for the newest installment of Super Smash Bros. a lot still remains to be revealed. Stay with us as we look forward to Nintendo’s digital broadcast, and their E3 performance.

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/Kenay Peterson
The Gaming Ground
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