
Aliens Infestation - Part 4 - Cannon Fodder all the waycomment_here

If you don´t know who the guy (character) to the left is. Then you have missed out on some really great games.

The Alien queen may be dead (or is she?). But my nightmares in Aliens Infestation will continue. Because now i´m sent out on a "search and destroy" mission (pretty much). It was said to be a "hit and run" kind of mission (blow shit up and leave the site fast as hell).

But we all know how those kind of missions ends. 
This time i´m facing both aliens, UPP soldiers and killer robots in large groups. But hey, i´m all about rip and tear shit up ;) Cannon Fodder all the way baby!

Anyhow, please enjoy part 4 of my adventures in Aliens Infestation =) 

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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