
We bought a new HD camera! - Our show will start soon!comment_here

logitech webcam hd pro c920
I can´t wait to try this baby out!

As you may have noticed. We haven´t made a new episode for "The O.J and V-Act Show" for quite some time now. And there´s a pretty easy explanation to that. Our old webcam sucks so fu**ing hard! So we decided to buy a new HD webcam.

Which we did yesterday actually, and we bought Logitech´s HD Pro C920 webcam (for 120 bucks). So we plan to record a new episode for The O.J and V-Act show sometime next week. And this time, it will be recorded in 1080P HD and 1920 x 1080!

So it should be a huge difference in both video and audio quality (compaired to our webcam and microphone). We still have to make the videos about 14 min long though. Thanks to the Youtube warning...(Youtube won´t lift our warning before 2014-04-7).

Anyhow, please bare with us people! We will do our very best to make the best entertainment videos on the net!

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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