
The Walking Dead - Daryl Dixon Tributecomment_here

daryl dixon tribute
Mr Daryl Dixon, with a knife in his hand.

Imo, there´s no doubt (whatsoever) whom the big star of The Walking Dead crew would be. Yes, that´s right. Im of course talking about Daryl Dixon (played by Norman Reedus). Why? Well, for those whome has watched TWD since the very start.

It´s quite obvious why Daryl Dixon are nr 1. His a bad ass, and his the kind of person that  get´s the job done (no matter the costs). Let´s just say that i would pick Daryl Dixon in the blink of an eye for my team, IF, there were a zombie apocalypse taking place irl. 

So i just find it rather suiting (and the timing couldn'tbe better) that i just found out about Chad W´s Daryl Dixon Tribute video. Me, i really liked it (AC/DC + TWD + Daryl Dixon = Epic win!). So, enjoy boys and girls!

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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