
Aliens Infestation - Part 12 - Alien storiescomment_here

aliens infestation part 12
Aliens, aliens everywhere!

I thought that i could spice up the entertainment value in this video, by telling a true story about the movie Aliens (Alien 2). Because way back in time, me and my brother watched that movie when our parents was gone for the weekend.

And of course things got rather, ehrm, scary. Me, i was just 11-12 years old at the time. And i have never seen a movie like Aliens before. So, yeah. Me and my brother was scared as hell that night. 

And to make things even worse, our pet crab escaped from his aquarium the very same night (Facehuggers anyone?).Oh well, i hope that you will enjoy the video and my story =) 

I also rant quite a bit about past (and upcoming) Alien movies and games.

P.s I´m sorry for the sound glitch at the end of the video. I was supposed to say "Just take care people, this is V-Act signing out. Bye bye". But for some odd reason, that part got erased from the movie.

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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