
Todd the zombie - The zombie version of The IT Crowdcomment_here

Will Todd make It through another day as the IT guy at the office?

I have always liked the IT Crowd series. Cuz the humor, the characters (Roy and Moss especially) and the jokes. I also digg the whole IT/Geek concept (Cuz Im a Geek/Gamer myself). I could also relate quite a lot to the show.

Mainly cuz I have always been that guy that fixes all the computer and hardware related problems. Anyhow, earlier today I heard about a similar show called "Todd the zombie". But Todd are a cartoon series (C64 graphics) on Youtube, and Todd just happens to be a zombie (a IT guy/zombie).

I just watched the very first episode of Todd the zombie, and I found It to be freaking hilarious. So check It out people!

About Todd the zombie:
"Enter Todd, a zombie IT guy working for a major corporation. Watch him go through his day to day business trying to survive in a company with demons, incompentant managers and the worlds most idiotic employees.

Watch this, the pilot episode and see Todds humble beginnings. Created solely by the series creator Gax.

Warning! Contains extreme geekiness and zombies!"

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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